We work with corporates by truly listening to them and working with the corporate as a partner, so that we can develop solutions that work seamlessly with their business. Only in this manner, we help corporates discover new opportunities to make their business even more successful, today and into the future.

Our primary objective is to help our clients determine “what” is the state of their current effectiveness, “where” they ultimately want to be, “who” within the organization will be impacted with new approaches and “how” they can best get to this next level of performance and execution.

ValueTree workshops are designed with a balance of presentation and individual and team exercises in order to build a fast-paced, high-impact environment for engagement. We deploy an active coaching model during each workshop, equipping and enabling candidates to practice the learnings they have absorbed during the training sessions.

The approach to workshop delivery is one of interaction, collaboration and exchange of ideas and expertise among the participants. Actual, selected opportunities and accounts are used within workshop exercises creating a “real world” customer-centric framework for workshop participants, as opposed to tired case studies that do not stimulate participant interest. ValueTree understands the importance of assisting clients with the development of customized measures and metrics to equip and enable them to track and evaluate the success of their investment. We provide development and blended learning solutions which focus on return on investment for our corporate clients.

All Training Programs are customized to client requirements – can be done in continuous sessions of 6-10 days or in short capusules of 3-4 hours each.